Simpler boilerplate for your next Angular Project

Simpler boilerplate for your next Angular Project

Start your angular project faster


4 min read

Update Aug-2022: Boilerplate has been updated to the latest angular14, tailwind3, and more. Check out the npm package/GitHub repo readme for more details. A few more stuff along with what's mentioned below is added for better productivity.

Hello Devs, Excited to publish my first ever blog post.... here it is πŸ•ΊπŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸ’»!!

If you are a front-end developer and working with Angular, you might already have gone through a lot of configuration, to begin with, every time just to start a project or keep adding in the middle of building a feature? Well, every project needs some basic elements...

While working on some Angular projects, I came across a very common pattern that I needed every time. Here is to list a few πŸ‘‡πŸ»

  • Better & Scalable Project Structure βš–οΈ
  • Component library that follows a particular design system πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ¨
  • Magical CSS framework to make our life easy (sometimes playing around with CSS is a bit tiring) πŸ§žβ€β™€οΈ
  • Powerful, easy to test framework for unit testing and e2e testing πŸ§ͺ
  • Remove unused CSS from production build πŸ—‘
  • Interceptor and auth service to handle Session Expiry (refresh token), error handler, prefix URL πŸ—Ό
  • Some kind of Route loader progress bar (something like Github shows on top) πŸ‘Ύ
  • Broadcaster service to communicate from anywhere to any corner of the application πŸ”Š
  • Stricter Rules to adhere to, when the team is working on the same codebase πŸ§‘πŸ»β€βš–οΈ
  • Auto Formatting all files (Indenting) πŸ˜—
  • Some dev tools to analyze production build minified bundles for better lazy-loading πŸ› 
  • Locally serve production build after the purge and test the final bundle πŸ’»
  • If you use Github Actions; a pipeline of Lint-Tests-Build-Purge-Deploy all in sequence

< Output />

Came up with a boilerplate which comes with all the above options pre-configured, want to change config? just touch the config files and start building your application, quick overview πŸ˜‹πŸ‘‡πŸ»


  • Project Structure inspired from Rik De Vos's blog βš–οΈ
  • Angular Material Component, Icons, Typography & CDK integrated πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ¨ (just change colors πŸ˜‰)
  • My favorite TailwindCSS
  • Jest πŸ§ͺ & Cypress 😍 support instead of Karma-Jasmine & no Protractor
  • Post-build PurgeCSS (not tailwind's one, I will explain in the next article why) to reduce your CSS to a few kbs
  • One of my favorite Angular Feature - A HTTP Request Interceptor which handles prefixing API endpoint with base URL, Header Modifier, Error Handler, Session Expiry with refresh token Handler inspired from Rich Franzmeier's blog, and your own stuff to do at a commonplace.
  • Broadcaster service utilizing RxJS Subject that simply broadcasts your object { key: 'value' } and listens anywhere in the application, here is how πŸ‘‡πŸ»

       // inject the service
      constructor(private _broadcatser: BroadcasterService) {}
      // to broadcast and listen anywhere
      this._broadcatser.broadcast('mykey', 'myvalue');
      /* 1. To listen inside any component inject service there as well
       * and do simply below
       * 2. use this service with takeUntil from rxJS and local Subject &
       * destroy the local subject in OnDestroy to prevent memory leaks
       * somewhere on top -> $destroy:Subject = new Subject();
              next:(data) => console.log(data) // prints 'myValue'
      ngOnDestroy() {
  • ESLint integrated as recommended by Angular since TSLint is deprecated

  • Prettier config (to be added soon) so even if no VSCode extension before commit all are prettified
  • When its time to go live, we need to analyze your bundles, for that there are two choices πŸ‘‰ source-map-explorer & webpack-bundle-analyzer whichever you choose, run that command πŸ˜‰
  • Serve prod build locally on a local server, just run the command πŸ˜—
  • Copy the .github/*.yml file for pipeline if you use Github Actions for deploying

< Short commands for these operations />

commandWhat it does?Thanks to Plugin
npm run startStarts the server in dev mode πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
npm run lintRuns ESLint on project
npm run final-buildTakes prod build and runs PurgeCSS script
npm run prod-testTakes a final-build deployes on local server and give you url to runserve
npm run purgecssRun PurgeCSS job to reduced style.css size into few kbspurgecss
npm run sourceTakes a final-build and opens up source-map-explorer viewsource-map-explorer
npm run webpack-analyzeTakes a final-build and opens up webpack-bundle-analyzer viewwebpack-bundle-analyzer
npm run testRuns all the jests test cases@briebug/jest-schematic
npm run e2eOpens up Cypress View to run your e2e tests in browser@briebug/cypress-schematic
npm run e2e:ciRuns cypress tests in console (used for CI/CD)@briebug/cypress-schematic

< Here it ends />

Okay, That's it πŸ˜…. If you find this helpful, Checkout angular-material-starter-template πŸš€ , leave a 🌟 on the repo if you like it. Hope you find it helpful πŸ˜‡

I am new to blogging & in the future, I am planning to write articles on some of the daily stuff that we come across in frontend most often, like building custom own components, Short trips, and tricks, Follow me for such content πŸ™ƒ